DATE: 12-16/12 2022 | Sessions time: from 19.00 CET / 18.00 UK time (1 session=60 min)
** A Hero’s Journey with Guided Meditations and Conscious Movement to find your best friend within. (online course) **
with Peter Harper & Steph Strauss
Embark with us on a journey to meet the most precious Being in your life – Your Authentic Self; your best friend, loving guide and the source of joy and fulfilment!
Enter this soothing adventure to discover the magical lands deep within you, which are the pillars for creating the life you’d love to live!
This unique course has been designed for you to go beyond the usual way of experience – to welcome and learn to love ALL PARTS of you – even the messy ones. Loving all of your humanness allows you to enter the highest state of your true essence, the joyous, loving and blossoming being, to fully experience its free flowing aliveness and creativity.
Each session will guide you, with a metaphorical treasure map, to one of the precious aspects of yourself, to connect to your authenticity and to fully embrace yourself in your uniqueness.With the unique combination of The RSI Method (conscious movement) and Practice of Presence ( guided meditations), you will be fully supported step by step to embody the process of becoming your own best friend
… to realize that you are never alone. You are always loved… guided… and supported.
Come join us to meet your best friend within more intimately. Let your soul guide you on each step of the wonderful adventure called life.
Your hero’s journey is just the beginning and we are wholeheartedly looking forward to embarking on it with you.
With love, Peter & Steph
You can see the full course description HERE
Please note, that this special offer is ONLY for members of The Drunken Monk Tribe and for participants of The Tree of Life course.
Your Price (until 12/12): €59
(standard price: €75)
Payment options:
You have two options to pay, either through our donation link with Paypal or by a direct bank transfer to the IBAN number given below. Once the payment has been made, please, provide us with your details via email (name and surname) and we will send you the links to the Zoom room and information you’ll need to attend the course. Please, inform us if you need to be provided with an invoice.
Option 1:
*(or you can click on the ‘donation’ circle at the bottom of this page)
Option 2:
IBAN : CZ50 5500 0000 0082 9232 1151
ADDRESS : Raiffeisenbank a.s. Karolinská 661/4 186 00 Prague 8
Course dates: 12-16th of December
Daily sessions Monday – Friday (total of 5 sessions)
Each session starts at 19.00 CET (Central Europe) / 18.00 GMT (London) / 12.00 CST (Chicago) / 13.00 EST (New York) / 10.00 PST (Los Angeles) / 13.00 EDT (Ottawa)
1 session = 1 hr
* All sessions will be live (on Zoom). Each session will be recorded and sent to you after the live stream. You will be able to access all recordings anytime during the course + 1 week after the course finishes, so even if you cannot make it live, you will not miss a thing!
By confirming your participation you are agreeing that we can send you a welcome email and occasional inspirations. You can always unsubscribe at the bottom of our emails. These emails are compliant with GDPR rules and your privacy will be respected and protected. We will not share your details with anyone in any way.