Online guided meditation course based on Zen koans to enter into your inner stillness. 10 morning/evening sessions, thematic guidance.
Date: 8-19/3/2021
Please note, that this special offer is ONLY for participants of The Path to Self Realisation Course, valid until 8/3/2021.
You can see the full course description here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-empty-boat-online-meditation-course-with-zen-koans-tickets-141952988209
If you can empty your own boat, crossing the river of the world, you will go about like Life itself, yet your steps will leave no trace. Simple, without distinction, such is the perfect man. His boat is empty. (Inspired by The Empty Boat by Chuang Tzu )
Your Price (until 8/3): €43
(standard price: €50)
Payment options:
You have two options to pay, either through our donation link with Paypal or by a direct bank transfer to the IBAN number given below. Once the payment has been made, please, provide us with your details via email (name and surname) and we will send you the links to the Zoom room and information you’ll need to attend the course. Please, inform us if you need to be provided with an invoice.
Option 1:
PAYPAL DONATION LINK : https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4E6XJ4RAAVAKJ
*(or you can click on the ‘donation’ circle at the bottom of this page)
Option 2:
IBAN : CZ72 6100 000000 1030120438 SWIFT: EQBKCZPPBank
address : Equa bank a.s. Karolinská 661/4 186 00 Prague 8
DATE: 8-19/3/2021
*Time indicated in CET
MORNING SESSIONS (7.00 – 7.45 CET) every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
dates: 9., 11., 12., 16., 18. and 19.3.
EVENING SESSIONS (19.00 – 19.45) every Monday and Wednesday
dates: 8., 10., 15. and 17.3.
+ extra wrap up closing circle on Sunday 21st at 10.00 (approx. 1 hour)