The Power of Love: Quantum Heart (a special Tribe offer)

A comprehensive journey into where Science and Spirituality meet. Online Guided Meditation course. Join live or from recordings.

9-20/9 2024, via Zoom or from recordings


… a note from Peter:

When we first hosted the Power of Love, it was significantly tangible how the effects of the meditations transformed the group space to a feeling of powerful, loving union. It was so nourishing that it created a lasting shift to a more solid feeling of well-being and peace for everyone who took part.

Over two years later we are ready to reconnect to that loving field yet bringing more certainty and appreciation for what is possible. Even if you did not attend The Power of Love (part 1), you will still benefit from the relationship between science and meditation we explored before, as well as expanding into the exciting discoveries that will be revealed in this upcoming meditation adventure. I very much look forward to welcoming you to this exciting new course. With Love, Peter’


This course has been crafted to create a comprehensive journey into the area where science and spirituality meet. It will provide for you practical tools and a supportive community to enhance your well-being and deepen you connection to the world with a new understanding. Join us for this transformative experience and unlock the full potential of your heart!


Morning Guided Meditation: Mornings are a ripe time to connect to your own Inner Self, through meditation. It is the perfect time to join with a like minded group and move into a fresh space of peace and clarity. Each day will start with clarifying a specific theme that will be explored in the guided meditation and each session will be based on the practice of presence.

Quantum Physics: There are many proven laws that govern the non-physical dimension. Having awareness of these laws can help balance the ‘heart space’ more rapidly, significantly increasing calm, relaxation and overall Well-Being.

Resonant Fields: In quantum science, when people gather who are aligned with their intention there is an exponential increase in the power created. We will deliberately focus on what that means while exploring how that effect can be merged into our group meditation.


  • Strengthen your meditation practice to a new, satisfying and consistent experience.
  • Open and allow a more profound sense of wellness and mental clarity in your day to day life.
  • Learn how to guide your energy to flow more purposefully into positive thought and action.
  • Experience the beauty and power of meditating ‘in-tune’ with others.
  • Benefit from a regular practice to fine tune your ability to sustain and grow your daily practice.
  • Appreciate how to promote loving kindness for your own Self, as a way to stay centered and balanced.
  • Be inspired to continue your journey of Self exploration with guidance and insights from your Self and the group.


The Quantum Heart: What the very latest that science is showing us about the heart and how we can invite those findings to deepen our meditation and well-being

Heart Coherence: Come to know the feeling of being in balance and appreciating how it impacts on the health of your body, calms emotions and clears the mind to allow positive thought to flourish.

The Art of Allowing: Contrast is a part of life and has its place in our experience. Learn how we can learn how to positively respond to situations where there is resistance and tension.

Emotional Guidance: The voice of the heart comes as a feeling to indicate if you are aligned with your Well-Being or not. Once this is understood emotions can be powerful messengers of support.

The Power of Resonant Fields: When two people are energetically aligned they strengthen eachby much more than double. The more people the higher the growth factor. Wewillexplore thisphenomenaand how it greatly empowers the field of meditationof a group, even if sitting in different locations.

Expansion: The Universe is constantly expanding and when we allow the heart space to expand we can explore how that can bring us to a place of Oneness and connection to ourselves, others and our environment.

The Heart’s Energy Field: Exploring recent scientific studies on the electromagnetic field generated by the heart and how it influences our surroundings.

The Heart Connection: Developing the understanding of boundaries and being open. How to stay safe and yet connected to the flow of your own power.

Community Spirit: The value of connecting to a healthy network of like hearted people. Why distance doesn’t matter and how to stay in touch with friends through the Power of Love.

The Journey Continues: The last session will be a summary of all we have shared and learned. We will discuss how to expand into a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Quantum Laws that govern our Non-physical reality.


Special Offer

Please note, that this special offer is ONLY for members of The Drunken Monk Tribe:

How to Get Your Ticket

Your Price (until 9/9 2024): €72

(standard price: €92)

Payment options:

You have two options to pay, either through our donation link with Paypal or by a direct bank transfer to the IBAN number given below. Once the payment has been made, please, provide us with your details via email (name and surname) and we will send you the links to the Zoom room and information you’ll need to attend the course. Please, inform us if you need to be provided with an invoice.

1 booking = 1 ticket = 1 person access (unless you specify that you are purchasing a multiple ticket.

Option 1 (preferred)

IBAN :  CZ37 5500 000000 1030120438

Account owner: Peter Thomas Harper,

Belohorska 1651/102, Prague 6 , 169 00 Czech Republic 

Bank address : Raiffeisen a.s. Karolinská 661/4 186 00 Prague 8

*please note if you saved our previous bank details they have been updated as Equabank is now Raiffeisen Bank

Option 2:



Course dates: 9-20/9, 2024

Daily morning sessions from Monday till Friday

Sessions time: from 7.00am CET / 06.00am UK time (1 session=45 min)

(same for both weeks)

* All sessions will be live (on Zoom). Each session will be recorded and sent to you after the live stream. You will be able to access all recordings anytime during the course + 2 weeks after the course finishes, so even if you cannot always make it live, you will not miss a thing!


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By attending the sessions and courses (in-person and online programs) provided by The Drunken Monk, you agree to take full responsibility for your safety and all consequences of participating.

Our courses are for educational purposes only. The Drunken Monk is not responsible and cannot be held liable for legal claims or losses.If you have any concerns or are on medication for mental health or physical reasons, please inform us by emailing

Everything shared in the courses provided by the Drunken Monk project or shared by other participants within the sessions remains confidential and private. This includes the taking or sharing of any pictures of other participants within the course or sharing any personal details about the other participants.

All right reserved. Any information/study materials provided by The Drunken Monk teachers and guides are the subject of the copyright of The Drunken Monk or their respective owners. All materials are not transferable and cannot be distributed without written permission from The Drunken Monk organisers.

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