Wisdom Of The Masters
9/1 – 3/2 2023, online
Let’s breathe the beginning of the new year a spark of soothing inspiration, which will set a fresh direction to your days!
We’ve prepared for you an attentively curated meditation course with the most enriching poems and quotes from buddhism, zen, sufism, taoism, gnosticism and celtic wisdom.
Each day we will treat you with a gentle, yet deeply relaxing guided meditation. The narrative will be inspired by the wisdom of enlightened words from ancient enlightened masters as well as modern mystics and poets. Their words are a gift, a light from the beyond. When received with an open heart, their message brings a deep transformation to the listener. They all share the great secrets of life, love, creativity, enlightenment and the power we all embody
… to be the shapers of our lives, to manifest abundance in every way and to find fulfillment, joy and contentment.
I warmly invite you to join me for four weeks of reconnecting to the core of your Being and to bring about the changes in your life that will not only enrich you but the people and the world around you.
With much Love, Peter
“May my mind come alive today, to the invisible geography, that invites me to new frontiers
to break the dead shell of yesterdays, to risk being disturbed and changed.
May I have the courage today, to live the life that I would love,
to postpone my dream no longer but do at last what I came here for
and waste my heart on fear no more. “
– John O’Donohue
You can see the full course description HERE
Please note, that this special offer is ONLY for participants of 4 Days of Conscious Mornings and members of The Drunken Monk valid until 9/01/2023.
Your Price (until 9/01/2023): €98
(standard price: €125)
Payment options:
You have two options to pay, either through our donation link with Paypal or by a direct bank transfer to the IBAN number given below. Once the payment has been made, please, provide us with your details via email (name and surname) and we will send you the links to the Zoom room and information you’ll need to attend the course. Please, inform us if you need to be provided with an invoice.
Meditation (Mon – Fri): 7.00 – 7.45 CET / 6.00 – 6.45 UK time
(1 session: 45 min)
* All sessions will be live (on Zoom). Each session will be recorded and sent to you after the live stream. You will be able to access all recordings anytime during the course + 1 week after the course finishes, so even if you cannot always make it live, you will not miss a thing!
By confirming your participation you are agreeing that we can send you a welcome email and occasional inspirations. You can always unsubscribe at the bottom of our emails. These emails are compliant with GDPR rules and your privacy will be respected and protected. We will not share your details with anyone in any way.