I am sure you’ve been there at some point. The moment of making a choice.
‘Should I start that project? … to move to that new place?🧳 … to stay or leave that person?’… or … ‘Which one of two or more options to choose?’…
You may have been thinking about it, writing +- lists, asking opinion of your closest ones as well as taking time to sit with it, meditating and doing all kinds of conscious exercises…
AND YET STILL… you are not sure, or none of the two or more options seem to be clearly ‘The One’.
I hear you. I have been there too!🤯And it felt like I needed a last hint, something, which would tip the metaphorical scale ⚖️ to one clear side.
Then I found the technique called 10/10/10, created by Suzy Welch. It works like this:
If you imagine to take that decision, how will you feel about it and how could it influence your life
… in 10 minutes
… in 10 months
… in 10 years
I found this to be a brilliant tool, as it can help you to 🔎 look at the possible consequences, not feel guilty about your decision, and really own it. Moreover, it gently pushes you to look at your personal values and what really matters to you.
Ready to give it a try? I would be happy to hear about your experience with 10/10/10, so please, let me know in the comments! 🤗.
With love,