Our brain has the remarkable ability to adapt, re-organize, and change its structure and functions. Neuroplasticity shows, that every thought we have creates pathways in our brain and defines the way how it will respond to a similar situation next time. If we want to...
“In the journey of (self) improvement, reaching a new goal or vision, remember that progress involves taking a step down before ascending to another peak. “ e.g. your goal is to learn a new skill,… so you’ll have to dedicate some of your free time to...
In todays blog we will give a space to Maeve Lankford, our dear friend, collaborator and a stunning coach, who will share with you one of her uplifting articles. You will explore a wonderful inspiration by Rumi as well as very practical tips on how to ‘stay...
a mini-session with Peter Harper with some useful tips to overcome the seasonal mood swing. Enjoy! #bluemonday2023 #mentalhealthsupport ***** Do you like our sessions? Join us on a retreat! ***** ✨Enlightenment Intensive Retreat (26-31/3, at Mandali Retreat Center )...
A mini-session with Peter about what happens within and around us when we meditate… and how it can positively influence also the people around us. Enjoy the session! ***** Do you like our sessions? Join us for a full course! ***** ONLINE ✨ A Map to Self Love...
A mini-session from Peter on an inspiring poem by the Persian poet Hafiz to enable you to move from victimhood to empowerment. ‘Blame keeps the sad game going. It keeps stealing all your wealth, giving it to an imbecile with no financial skills. Dear one, wise...
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