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Ten Bulls of Zen: Online Meditation Course
30.11.2020 - 11.12.2020
Embark with us on a unique Zen meditation journey …
In this “one of the kind” course based on the ancient Zen story “The Ten Bulls of Zen” which has survived throughout the centuries, you will dive into a simple, yet very profound process towards your Self Realisation.
The story follows the journey of a young zen disciple seeking Self Realisation (Enlightenment). Each session will introduce a stage of his inspiring adventure. We will be following his footprints, from the beginning of his ‘search’ to the stage of his full Self realisation and return to daily life.
Every session will be accompanied by a unique Zen poem/koan and ancient Zen picture to help you to connect with the theme.The spine of the session will be a guided meditation related to the specific stage of the journey.
Peter will guide you into meditation with his rich and comforting voice, using the narrative of the Practice of Presence approach, a gentle, simple, yet effective guidance into the here and now. You will dive into to the profound simplicity of realising the essence of the story, of knowing your authentic nature.
You will enhance your ability to be present, grounded, relaxed and empowered at any time, anywhere you are and in whatsoever you are doing.
No meditation experience is necessary as the story will carry you into the core of the Zen teachings that are not a concept of the mind, but a direct experience of your Authentic Being.
*All sessions will be live with the access to the recording for 48hrs, so even if you cannot always make it to the class, you will not miss a thing!
“Barefooted and naked of breast, I mingle with the people of the world. My clothes are ragged and dust-laden, and I am ever blissful. I use no magic to extend my life; Now, before me, the dead trees become alive.” (from Ten Bulls of Zen)
This course will bring you:
- A deeper grounding in your capacity to be fully present in the moment
- A profound connection to your Being, the space within which cannot be described or resolved by the mind
- Better connection with your body, intuition, emotions and spirit and a relaxed mind
- More energy, flowering creativity and better focus
- More relaxation, less stress and anxiety
- An enhanced ability to step into a meditative space at any time during your day
- Use of a unique approach to the Practice of Presence
- Enhancing new ways to step into meditation through perception and contemplation of the images, poems and koans
You are warmly invited to join us on this 2-week zen journey to your self fulfilment. There will be 5 classes each week, 3 in the morning and 2 in the evening.
Each session will be recorded and available to view after the meditation for 48 hours. You are invited to join the full 10 day course (recommended) or join on a weekly bases.
MORNING SESSIONS (7.00 – 7.45 CET) every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
dates: 1st, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 10th and 11th of December
EVENING SESSIONS (19.00 – 19.45) every Monday and Wednesday
dates: 30th of November and 2nd, 7th, 9th of December
Morning sessions (7:00 to 7:45am CET)
Meditating at the start of the day can bring many benefits to your health and wellbeing. It supports you to set yourself up for the day ahead, whatever that may be. If you can get into a daily morning practice, even for couple minutes, you will be surprised at how much calmer, focused, energised and creative you feel in your day. Each morning you will be introduced to a new koan/story. We recommend to bring the koan which you’ll be introduced in the morning session also to your day to accompany you (remember it couple times).
Evening sessions (19:00 to 19:45 CET)
Closing the day with the meditation is the best way to relax after your working day and process any challenges it may bring. It supports you to come back to yourself, to re-center, revitalise and get new insights. Evening meditation also improves the quality of your sleep, so you feel more rested for the coming day. We recommend to repeat the koan from the evening session before you fell asleep, so it can get rooted in you.
*In your ‘free’ days, we highly recommend to practice on your own, to build your routine and deepen your process towards the enlightenment.
‘Sitting silently, doing nothing, spring comes and the grass grows by itself’.
About Zen
Zen started in China in the 6th century by discarding all written religious doctrines and philosophy. It is a path of pure being, of completely holding the attention in the present moment. Over the centuries what has survived are delightful koans, poems and stories that were given to students by Zen Masters to experience direct truth through contemplation and self awareness.
About Koans
A koan can be a short story, a conversation, an image, a fragment of a song which rather than teach you accompanies you to arrive to self realisation. koans cannot be understood or solved by mind, they don’t provide solutions or answers. Rather, they open the gate to see through the veil of our illusions about the reality of our Being . It is said that you don’t choose the koan – the koan chooses you.
A typical example of a koan: ‘Sitting silently, doing nothing, spring comes and the grass grows by itself’.
How to use koans:
- let the koan ‘land’ in you (you can repeat the koan for yourself a couple of times), make it your companion
- don’t try to resolve the koan, let the koan simply settle in you, moving into your meditation, into your body, your feelings
- drop any expectations – the answer will never be as you expect. Don’t judge yourself, criticize. Drop all ‘shoulds’
- be completely open, give space to anything that arises
- follow the koan and let the koan follow you throughout your day
‘Ten Bulls of Zen’
‘Ten Bulls’ or ‘Ten Ox Herding Pictures’ (Chinese: shíniú 十牛 , Japanese: jūgyū 十牛図 , korean: sipwoo 십우) is a series of short poems and drawings which the Zen tradition uses to describe the progress of a disciple towards his Self Realisation and Enlightenment.
Meditation is a gateway to your unique Self, the still and peaceful centre in the hurricane of the relentless stream of thoughts and stories. It’s the natural source of your inner peace, wisdom, energy, creativity and joy which is your authentic nature.
Self Realisation/Enlightenment
Self realisation has been described as a journey that takes us deep within ourselves to uncover these unique and divine characteristics. The ’10 bulls of Zen’ is a journey to the very core of your Being, your existence. This direct experience is known as a Satori, a Zen term for a glimpse of Enlightenment.
Peter Harper
Peter is an experienced spiritual guide with more than 35 years of experience in self discovery and spiritual guidance. He divides his time hosting Meditation and Self Awareness Retreats and Workshops in Europe and creating Guided Meditation and Conscious Music recordings.
Peter is a founder of The Drunken Monk project connecting spirituality with daily life, using tools such as guided meditation recordings, Enlightenment Intensive process, Self Awareness retreats and workshops.
“Above the clouds of the mind, there is a clear blue sky. I will meet you there…” Peter
Suitable for all – new to meditation, intermediate and experienced.
All sessions will be approx. 45 mins long.
Each session will be recorded and available to view after the meditation for 48 hours, so even if on occasion you cannot join live, you’ll not miss a thing!
Make sure you are in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. You may wish to enhance your environment, light a candle, have quiet background music ready to play when we are meditating, hold a crystal, diffuse some essential oil, or set the mood in any way you would like.
Please access your link to the zoom room 5 mins before so we are ready to start on time.
You can choose to join the whole two week course or purchase a one week pass in the ‘tickets’ section. Please, follow the BOOK NOW button on top of this page.
By confirming your participation you are agreeing that we can send you a welcome email and occasional inspirations. You can always unsubscribe at the bottom of our emails. These emails will confirm to the GDPR rules and your privacy will be respected and protected. We will not share your details with anyone in any way.
“It is said that you don’t choose the koan – the koan chooses you.”