Last week there were a couple of mornings when I woke up with a vague yet tangible sense of uneasiness. What was causing my unconscious to ring an alarm bell?
I checked the 5 pillars where we usually get challenged; Home situation: Good! Work: Great! Money: Good! Relationships: Excellent! Health OK! … just OK?
And there it was, “the monkey” in the house. My health! I was tired and my body had started to sound an alert. The body is amazing when we listen to it!
Since a short break over Xmas, I’ve hosted three workshops, totaling 21 days! I’ve travelled to five different countries, woken up in five different cities and sent 89 emails. ( that’s a lot for me 🙂
So I gave myself permission to stay in bed all day. It was wonderful!! While resting, I took my own advise I give to participants of our retreats. To answer authentically the questions: “What do I need?”… and … “What positive action can I take?” My answer came almost immediately:
I need a holiday!
My time off
A couple of days later, here I am in Cascais, Portugal, sitting in a café by the beach, meeting an old friend. We talked about ‘being in the flow’, being inspired and connected to something deeper than mind that guides our lives. Just by talking about it, that energized and cool feeling started to emerge in me, … the one where I feel inspired and active. Exactly the state I was looking to re-connect with.
We can develop and practice all kinds of cool maneuvers that help us to stay dry in our life situations, but there is always an element that we cannot control. Life!
Later I went to relax on the beach. After half an hour of melting into the sand ( Note to Mrs M.: I had factor 50 on my nose, dear! ) I felt all chilled, inspired ideas flowing… and then I remembered that The Monks office has been pushing me for some days to deliver a new blog article. So I decided to wake up my relaxing brain cells and order them to immediately deliver a high quality result…
…when suddenly…“Splash!” … the ocean started approaching fast! In spite of my best acrobatic hop, skips and jumps my right foot got completely soaked. ….I mean completely!!!… beyond my ankle bone! My only pair of shoes… Well, at least I did make some folk laugh!
Elements which we cannot control: Life!
And the point? Life will always challenge us! We can develop and practice all kinds of strategies that help us to stay dry in our life situations. It’s all good, and we learn useful tools to help us to become more rooted in our Essence and to make the right choices as to what nourishing.
However, at the end of the day, there is always an element that we cannot control. Life! Perhaps this is what makes us human beings with integrity and being able to live with that, to humble ourselves before this awesome power.
What I’ve learned today is to let go and release myself from the need to push too hard for results that I imagine are important. Yet to take care of what life puts in front of me in this moment.
Maybe then I won’t need to get my feet wet in order to cool down.
Listen to your body every day and you never know where life might take you. Be clear about your needs and always travel with a spare pair of shoes!