Active meditation with 3 stages to get energised, release stress and emotional tensions and to feel the joy of being alive. Dance, breathe, shake and experience the transformative power of conscious movement!

Dynamic dance music with drums and shamanic elements. Guided instructions are included at each stage as the video progresses.

Stage 1 Breathing and Movement: activate your system through breath and movement

Stage 2 Shaking: release emotional and body tensions

Stage 3 Celebration: flood yourself with gratitude and celebrate being alive

*After completing this session, we recommend to follow up with this relaxing guided meditation ‘Healing Spark of Life’ to deepen a healing and rejuvenating effect:

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Music and narrative: Peter Harper | Video compilation: Veronika Kremen |

All music rights are under copyright of The Drunken Monk. If you would like to use the music for promotional, commercial or remix purposes, contact us at :

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And now… take a break, relax and enjoy the recording!

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