Even though I ‘managed’ to chop off my head a bit on the visual, the content is still ‘there’ (I mean the guided meditation:-)) so we decided to share the session. Enjoy the gratitude practice within the meditation! With love, Peter This meditation has been created ‘on request’ for @vivyoga_surf. We hope, you will like it, Viv.
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✨Meditation & Rumi’s Poetry
(6-17/3, online)
Each day we will unfold one of Rumi’s uplifting poems about love, life and the light within us and allow ourselves to truly embrace them within a guided meditation. Through the harmonious combination of poetry and the meditative space, you will connect with the real jewels of your authentic wisdom, so your practice becomes a rich nourishment and ‘food for your soul’.
🔸details HERE
✨ Enlightenment Intensive Retreat
(26-31/3, location: @mandali_retreats)
Have you ever wondered Who you are without all your ‘stories’? What is your Essential Nature? And what is your authentic purpose?Join us and embody the lasting sense of Who You Truly Are! – Guided Meditations ~ Ancient Zen Techniques ~ Self Enquiry ~ Conscious Movement ~ Holistic Detox. SECURE YOUR SPOT IN TIME, SPACES ARE FILLING UP QUICKLY
🔸 All details HERE